
Buah anggur tidak hanya sumber dari vitamin A, C, B6 dan folate yang baik. Tetapi juga sumber mineral penting lainnya seperti potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium dan selenium.
Semua vitamin tersebut sangat berguna untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh. Inilah beberapa khasiat kesehatan dari buah anggur seperti yang dikutip dari Idiva dan wolipop.
1. Asma
Anggur memiliki kekuatan assimilatory yang dapat meningkatkan kadar air dalam paru-paru. Hal ini sangat baik bagi penderita asma karena dapat mengurangi masalah sesak nafas.
2. Antibakteri
Anggur merah memiliki kandungan antibakterial dan antivirus yang kuat, sehingga dapat melindungi tubuh dari infeksi.
3. Alzheimer
Penelitian menunjukan bahwa anggur dapat meningkatkan kesehatan otak dan menghindari dari penyakit Alzheimer. Hal ini dikarenakan anggur mengandung resveratol, yakni sebuah polifenol yang mengurangi tingkat amyloidal beta peptides pada penderita Alzheimer.
4. Kanker payudara
Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa jus anggur yang berwarna ungu membantu dalam mencegah kanker payudara yang secara signifikan mengurangi massa tumor pada payudara.
5. Sembelit
Anggur mengandung asam organik, gula, selulosa yang dikenal sebagai pencahar. Manfaat ini sangat baik untuk mengatasi keluhan sembelit atau susah buang air besar.
6. Kelelahan
Jus anggur mengandung energi instan. Jus anggur yang kaya akan zat besi dapat mengurangi kelelahan diimbangi dengan istirahat yang cukup.
7. Penyakit jantung
Tingkat oksida nitrat dalam darah akan meningkat ketika Anda mengonsumsi buah anggur, yang bermanfaat untuk mencegah pembekuan dan mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung. Antioksidannya juga dapat menghentikan oksidasi kolesterol LDL yang menghambat pembuluh darah.
8. Pencernaan
Bila Anda menderita gangguan pencernaan, ada baiknya Anda mengonsumsi anggur. Anggur juga baik untuk mengatasi masalah perut lainnya.
9. Migrain
Minum jus anggur murni tanpa campuran air di setiap pagi dapat menyembuhkan penyakit migrain atau sakit kepala sebelah.
10. Gangguan ginjal
Anggur dapat membantu menyingkirkan asam pada ginjal. Hal ini berarti mengurangi gangguan pada tekanan ginjal.
sumber :
Minggu, 11 September 2011 | 0 komentar |
Cervical cancer - health articles this time talking about Cervical Cancer. Cervical Cancer (Cervical Cancer) or cervical cancer? is not a foreign name. Especially for women is the most terrible scourge. Here are 13 facts about cervical cancer that we must know:

Cervical cancer is cancer that occurs in the cervical region. That is the area in the female reproductive organ is the entrance to the uterus. It lies between the womb (uterus) with a hole intercourse woman (vagina).

99.7% of these cancers are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) oncogenic, which attacks the cervix. Starting occur in the cervix, when it has entered the stage, this cancer can spread to other organs throughout the body.
First, cervical cancer caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). This virus has more than 100 types, where most of them are harmless and will disappear by itself. HPV virus types that cause cervical cancer and the most fatal.
Second, other than caused by the HPV virus, abnormal cells on the cervix can also grow due to radiation exposure or contamination of chemicals that occur in the long term.
How does cervical cancer spread?

Transmission of HPV virus can occur through sexual relations, especially with multiple partners. Virus transmission can occur either by transmission through the genital organs to the genital organs, oral to genital or genital to manually.

Therefore, the use of condoms during intercourse is not very influential prevent transmission of HPV virus. For, not only transmitted through the fluid, the virus can move through the touch of skin.

Let's identify what are the symptoms of cervical cancer this?

In the early stages, this disease does not cause symptoms are easily observed. That's why, you who are already sexually active is highly recommended to perform a pap smear test every two years. Physical symptoms of the disease is generally only felt by people with advanced cancer.

Symptoms of advanced cervical cancer:

     the emergence of pain and bleeding during intercourse (contact bleeding).
     excessive vaginal discharge and abnormal.
     bleeding outside of the menstrual cycle.
     drastic weight loss.
     If the cancer has spread to the pelvis, the patient will suffer from back pain complaints
     also barriers in urination, and kidney enlargement.

How long this period of growth of cervical cancer?

Preinvasif period (growth of abnormal cells before they become malignant) disease is quite long, so people who managed to detect it early can perform various steps to address them.

Persistent infection will lead to abnormal cell growth that could eventually lead to cancer development. This development takes between 5-20 years, starting from the stage of infection, pre-cancerous lesions to be positive cervical cancer.

Is it true that smokers' risk of contracting cervical cancer?

There are many studies that the relationship between cigarette smoking with increased risk of someone contracting cervical cancer. One is the research conducted at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and published in the British Journal of Cancer in 2001.

According Joakam Dillner, MD, researcher who led the research, nicotine substance as well as "poison" the other into the blood through the cigarette smoke can increase the likelihood of the condition of cervical neoplasia or abnormal growth of cells in the uterus. "Cervical neoplasia is the initial condition of the development of cervical cancer in a person's body," he said.

In addition to smokers who are at risk?

Women are prone to cervical cancer are those aged between 35-50 years, especially you who have been sexually active before age 16 years. Sexual relationships at too early age can increase the risk of cervical cancer by 2 times compared to women who had sexual intercourse after age 20.

Cervical cancer is also associated with number of sexual opponent. The more the opposite sex you have, then increasing the risk of cervical cancer. Just as the number of sexual opponent, number of pregnancies that have also experienced increased risk of cervical cancer.

You are infected with the HIV virus and who otherwise have an abnormal pap smear test results, as well as malnutrition, are also at risk for infection with HPV virus. In you are on a strict diet, low consumption of vitamin A, C, and E each day can lead to reduced levels of immunity in the body, so you can easily become infected.
How do I detect it?

A Pap smear is a standard examination method for detecting cervical cancer. However, the pap smear is not the only way you can do to detect this disease. There is also the type of inspection using acetic acid (vinegar).

Using vinegar is acetic acid which is relatively easier and cheaper to do. If you want more accurate results, there is now the latest examination techniques for early detection of cervical cancer, a technology called Hybrid Capture System II (HCII).
How to prevent cervical cancer?

Although ranked highest among the various types of cancer that causes death, cervical cancer is the only species that have been known to cause cancer. Therefore, efforts to prevent it is very possible. Namely by:
  •      not having sex with a partner who alternated
  •      diligently perform pap smears every two years for those who are already sexually active
  •      and make HPV vaccination for those who have never done a sexual contact
  •      and of course maintaining a healthy body
How important is the use of HPV vaccination?

In mid-2006 have been circulating vaccine against infection with HPV types 16 and 18 which cause cervical cancer. This vaccine works by increasing the body's immune and catch the virus before it enters the cells of the cervix.

In addition to fortify from cervical cancer, the vaccine is also working to protect women from the threat of multiple HPV types 6 and 11 that cause genital warts. That need to be emphasized is that this vaccination was only effective when given to girls aged 9 to 26 years who have not been sexually active.

The vaccine is given as much as 3 times within a certain timeframe. With vaccination, the risk of cervical cancer can be decreased to 75%. There is good news, starting this year the price of the original vaccine Rp 1,300,000, - once a syringe to Rp 700,000, - once a syringe.
Are there any side effects from this vaccination?

This vaccine has been tested on thousands of women worldwide. The results showed no harmful side effects. The most common side effects are fever and complained of redness, pain, and swelling at the injection site.

Side effects other frequently encountered are bleeding and itching at the injection site. The vaccine itself is not recommended for pregnant women. However, nursing mothers should receive this vaccine.
Can cervical cancer be cured?

Since not complain about any symptoms, cervical cancer patients usually come to the hospital when the disease has reached stage 3. The problem, cervical cancer has reached stage 2 to stage 4 have resulted in damage to body organs, such as bladder, kidney, and others.

Therefore, surgical removal of the uterus alone is not enough to make people recover as usual. In addition to surgery, patients still have to obtain additional erapi, such as radiation and chemotherapy. The move though can not guarantee 100% of patients experienced healing.

Choose where? prevented by vaccination or you choose hysterectomy, radiation and kemoteraphy is still no guarantee of recovery? Better to prevent than to cure cervical cancer is not it?

Main sources: - cervical cancer

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How to Establish Muscle is a much sought after tips that enough guys who want athletic and let me look more macho. Many ways from the traditional to the help of drugs (anabolic steroids, Tribulus terrestris, etc.), fitness equipment, to hire a fitness to train the muscles
Indeed, with the help of synthetic testosterone supplements or desires will be fulfilled sooner if accompanied by an intensive workout. But, in addition to fear of side effects, as well as for the tight pocket of course prefer the traditional way to build muscle that requires little cost or even free.
For that, try doing the following things:1. inadequate consumption of water (mineral)Because one of the properties of water are able to increase production of testosterone. The hormone testosterone are sex hormones have an important role for men to sexual function, sperm production, muscle formation, and intonation in the voice. Low levels of this hormone in the body of man can lead a person experiences chronic fatigue, impotence, depression, and body postures that are less robust and less athletic ability.
2. Night's sleep should not be less than 5 hoursBecause according to a study reported from the site, the man who slept less than 5 hours every night for a week have significantly lower testosterone levels than a full night sleep.
3. Inadequate nutritional needsIf the goal to build muscle, then the diet such as beans, wheat, cheese, and spinach is believed to boost virility abortion. And try to meet the needs of minerals for the function zync zync because one of them is as aromatase inhibitors (preventing the hormone testosterone is converted to estrogen / hormone girl). Zync deficiency can also cause hypogonadal said.
3. Diligent exercise push upsAlthough it looks trivial but the push-up exercise has tremendous benefits. Among them are increases testosterone levels. Note: if you do push ups, do not head down view, but can be forward or side though not harm the eyes.
Here are the benefits of diligent push-ups, which I quote from detikhealth:
- Tighten the musclesAccording to a 1998 study conducted by researchers from Penn State University and published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, testosterone consistently respond to the muscle.
Push ups using the large muscles of the chest, namely the large deltoid muscle in shoulders and triceps. Also other muscles, including abdominal muscles act as stabilizers.
- Preventing osteoporosisAccording to the Hormone Foundation, the low levels of testosterone may contribute to loss of bone density over time and lead to osteoporosis in men.
Low levels of testosterone can also cause loss of muscle mass and overall strength, and muscle atrophy from time to time.
- LongevityA 2008 study conducted by researchers from the University of Greifswald in Germany showed that low levels of testosterone may increase the risk of diabetes, hypertension, obesity and even death.
The study followed participants for more than seven years found that men with low testosterone levels were 2.5 times more likely to die earlier than people with higher testosterone levels, regardless of smoking, alcohol consumption or age.
- Eliminate belly fatRush University Medical Center researchers in a 2009 study published in the journal Obesity, found a correlation between low testosterone levels and fluctuate in menopausal women may accumulate visceral fat, the fat that has accumulated in and around vital organs near the waist.
4. Diligent exercise sit ups to build muscle belly.
5. To membantuk your leg muscles can be trained by jogging, cycling, and squat jumps.
For more details about what it is push ups, sit ups, squat jumps and media assistance please use the search engines like
That tips on how to build muscle naturally / traditional without the aid of equipment, supplements, and the instructor. However, if you have deep pockets and want a more rapid and targeted may choose to hire a fitness instructor. Hopefully helpful!
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It is no secret that everyone would want that ideal body. The proportion between height and weight balanced. Btw, emang ideal body that is like what the heck? For this, of course everyone has their own size in determining it. But, what harm we try to use a formula used by health experts in calculating maximum ideal weight. The formula is {(height) -100} X90%. For example your height 160 cm and weight 60 kg, then the calculation is as follows.

(160-100) X 90% = 54

Based on these formulas, it can be said to you a little excess weight, which is a standard excess of 6 kg of ideal body weight 54 kg.

Well, now we go back to the original topic of how to shrink the stomach? Maybe you now have a distended stomach problems and fat that hangs in the abdomen. : D But, you are wondering how to eliminate them naturally and appropriately, or practice what to do in order to have a slim stomach.
Maybe you've been had, or even often gets advice that regular exercise sit ups to shrink the stomach and form a six pack abs. But, Are you sure that this will work for you? Based on the references that I read, exercise sit ups is to have the benefits of toning your stomach muscles and create a toned and flat stomach. So, if the stomach flab is still there then peling appropriate steps to eliminate the fat is contained in the stomach first.
How? One of the most appropriate exercise for this is running, or if you are lazy can also be done indoors using a treadmill. In addition, other types of aerobic exercise is also effective for burning fat.
Here are some other ways you can do to burn fat. Perform the following activities for 30 minutes can burn as many calories:
· Walking Fast: 156 calories· Bersepada: 195 calories at 9.5 mi / h· Gardening: 105 calories and when you hoe or digging: 246 calories· Climbing: the burden on the backs weighing 5 kg: 252 calories, with no load on the back: 237 calories· Play Tennis: 213 calories· Swim: a free style: 120 calories, butterfly more than 315 calories· Cutting Grass With Engine: 219 calories· Play Volleyball: 99 calories· Car Wash: 135 calories
That appropriate steps for how to shrink the stomach. Started by removing the fat first and then exercise sit ups to form a taut stomach and six pack. Can also be accompanied by consuming a lot of traditional medicine on the market or the origin of modern medicine as prescribed and recommended by doctors.
References:- Http:// Various sources
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Understanding of heart disease, heart attack, symptoms of heart disease, heart disease characteristics, how to prevent and cure of heart disease.

Heart disease is a condition that causes the heart can not carry out their duties properly. These include a weak heart muscle (congenital abnormality) or a gap between the right atrium and left the porch, because of incomplete formation of a separate layer between the second platform when the patient is still in the womb. This causes the blood clean and dirty blood mixed.

Understanding of heart disease and heart attacks are different. If the heart attack is a condition that causes heart was not functioning. This condition usually occurs suddenly, and often called heart failure. Causes of heart failure vary, but usually the main cause is impaired blood supply to heart muscles, because the blood vessels that normally drain blood to the heart muscles are blocked or hardened, either because of fat and cholesterol, or because the substance chemicals such as excessive use of drugs containing Phenol Propano Alanine (ppa) which can be found in medications such as Decolgen, and nicotine. (source: wikipedia).

However, heart disease is one of the diseases are dangerous and cause death to many sufferers. Not infrequently, the patient found out too late that he was suffering from heart disease so it is too late for diatasai. To that end, knowing the symptoms of heart disease or trait you need to know to get done immediately follow the treatment as soon as possible.
Symptoms of heart disease (source: wikipedia)1. Pain. If the muscles are not getting enough blood (a condition called ischemia), then the oxygen is inadequate and the result of excessive metabolic causes cramps or spasms. Angina is a feeling of tightness in the chest or squeezing chest feeling, which arises when the heart muscle not getting enough blood. The type and severity of pain or discomfort will vary in each person. Some people experience a lack of blood flow could not feel any pain at all (a condition called silent ischemia).2. Shortness of breath is a symptom commonly found in heart failure. Shortness is a result of the entry of fluid into the airspaces in the lungs (pulmonary congestion or pulmonary edema).3. Fatigue or tiredness. If the heart is not pumping effectively, the blood flow to muscles during activity will be reduced, causing the patient to feel weak and tired. These symptoms are often mild. To overcome this, the patient usually gradually reduce their activity or thought that these symptoms as part of aging.4. Palpitations (heart palpitations)5. dizziness & fainting. Decreased blood flow due to rate or abnormal heart rhythms or because of poor pumping ability, can cause dizziness and fainting.
Another source ( said the typical symptoms of heart disease as follows:
1. Sudden pain in the chest behind the breastbone or as chest tightness.2. Chest pain can be repeated several minutes (20 minutes or more).3. The pain can be a pressure in the chest, and neck as if choking to cause cold sweat4. Suddenly passed out, but could be returned to consciousness. This occurs because there are disturbances of heart rhythm5. Feels like heartburn, but had never suffered from stomach disorders
In some people, symptoms may resemble a common cold. If you are experiencing similar symptoms as mentioned above, do not hesitate to contact your doctor immediately to get proper medical care.
Tips Preventing heart disease1. Healthy eatingAvoid foods that contain fat and high cholesterol. Also avoid foods with high sugar content like soft drinks, for example.2. quit smokingInside the cigarette pack has explained that "Smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotence, and disorders of pregnancy and the fetus."3. Avoid stressWhen someone is stressed, the body will release the hormone cortisol, which can cause the blood vessels become stiff.4. Reduce excess weight (obesity)Obesity has a major risk of heart left atrial enlargement. Enlargement of the heart would eventually improve abnormal heart rhythms, stroke, and death.5. Exercise regularlyExercise such as walking or jogging work to strengthen the heart and blood circulation throughout the body.6. Consumption of antioxidantsAntioxidants Important to Prevent Heart Disease. This can be obtained from a variety of vegetables, fruits, and tea.7. OffspringIf you have close relatives who have had heart attacks, should henceforth be more careful in maintaining the diet and lifestyle. Heart disease is not hereditary, but if there is a family (parents, grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts etc.) who are suffering or have suffered from heart disease, you have risk factors for heart disease. So, need to watch out!
8. etc.
How to cope with heart diseaseIn this world there is no better than the first drug prevention. So, as much as possible reduce or eliminate unhealthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle is a necessity if you want to avoid this disease.
However, there are some substances that are believed to be able to reduce or increase the risk of disease and heart attacks, among others: (source: wikipedia)
1. Some researchers say that the substance allicin found in garlic may help maintain heart health. Research shows that by virtue substance allicin, the tension of blood vessels is reduced 72%. But some other researchers have also stated that there was no relationship between garlic with heart health. In a study conducted in 90 smokers was plump, European researchers found that the addition of garlic powder for 3 months showed no changes in their cholesterol levels or some other sign of heart disease risk.
2. Studies show that reducing smoking does not reduce the risk of heart disease. To truly reduce the risk of heart disease, one should really quit smoking.
3. The discovery, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reveals the consumption of Vitamin C supplements may reduce the risk of heart disease.
4. Research shows that reducing salt intake may reduce risk of heart disease. Consumption of salt can increase blood pressure. In the experiment a low-salt diet showed the risk of heart disease by 25% and the risk of heart attack by 20%
5. Consumption of foods that can maintain heart health such as Salmon, Tomato, Olive Oil, Wheat, Almonds and Apples
So that I can lay understanding about heart disease & heart attack, characteristics or symptoms of heart disease, how to prevent heart disease and how to cope with heart disease. May be taken advantage and makes us better appreciate a healthy lifestyle. For more or less, including typographical errors that may exist I apologize and beg the correction. Greetings!
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