
Who is not familiar with chocolate?

Because it tastes delicious almost all people of all ages, like to eat chocolate.

However, did you know that chocolate also has many benefits and benefits for your health?

Here are the 10 best chocolate for health benefits:

1. Chocolate has been proven beneficial to the cardiovascular system by lowering blood pressure in a study conducted by Professor Dr. David Katzdari from Yale University.

2. Besides proven to lower blood pressure, chocolate also been shown to increase blood flow.

Eating chocolate triggers the production of nitric oxide in the body, which can cause blood vessels to become wider and relax.

Eating chocolate also helps blood flow more smoothly by discouraging blood platelets from sticking to each other, as well as reducing the likelihood of blood clots and plaque formation in arteries.

3. Chocolate can trigger the brain release endorphins and serotonin, a hormone that makes the feeling so relaxed and comfortable.

 4. One of the surprising turns chocolate could help the process become more effective release of glucose.

5. According to research conducted by Mary Engler, PhD, RN, of the University of California, eating a small piece of healthy dark chocolate every day can lower blood pressure, preventing the buildup of LDL cholesterol, and protects the heart from free radical damage.

6. Pure cocoa is also rich in nutrients, like B vitamins, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, and selenium.

7. Like red wine, green tea, fruits, and vegetables, cocoa also contain flavonoids (polyphenols), naturally occurring compounds that act as powerful antioxidants.

These disease-fighting enzymes protect the body by trapping free radical molecules and get rid of them before there is damage to our bodies.

8. Not all chocolates are created with the content of the same benefits. Dark chocolate is a healthy type of chocolate because it contains phytochemicals and nutrients. But unhealthy processed chocolate.

Percentage of antioxidants found in chocolate varies depending on how much chocolate has been chemically treated.

Many brands of low-quality chocolate and milk chocolate products that really is not any good.

9. A study in Japan showed that cacao contains antibacterial agents that can prevent tooth decay. But you still have to brush your teeth after eating chocolate.

10. In addition, there are studies that say that eating chocolate does not cause acne.
Sabtu, 10 September 2011 | 0 komentar |

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