
Eating garlic may make you shunned people, this is because the sulfur compounds found in garlic may make your mouth smell, but the efficacy of garlic for health is enormous. The reason why garlic is the most popular spice in cooking is that garlic gives amazing flavor to foods.Fresh garlic is an excellent source of allicin, garlic compounds within this leading to the release of hydrogen sulfide. Chemical compound is also what makes the stench of rotten eggs at. Fortunately, Allicin is very good for blood vessels that carry blood to the heart. Allicin makes blood vessels more open so as to bring the amount of blood and more oxygen to the heart.In studies using mice proved that the hydrogen sulfide in garlic can reduce heart damage from lack of oxygen, it is similar to the incidence of heart attacks. Relaxing effect of garlic on blood vessels also help lower blood pressure.Compounds found in garlic also helps reduce clotting of platelets, platelet clumping when continued operation may cause a heart attack or stroke. Garlic acts as a natural blood thinners. This is why compounds of garlic should be used with caution in people taking prescription blood thinners or aspirin.Recent studies have shown that garlic is not effective for lowering cholesterol levels. How much garlic do you need to get health benefits on the heart? Not much, just two cloves of garlic every day. It's important to buy fresh garlic rather than garlic powder since processed. If possible, eat raw garlic in a state or fresh, because if it is cooked to destroy some of the benefits of garlic.The function of garlic, namely, as an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and is also a source of vitamin B6 and vitamin C is good. Several observational studies show that eating garlic can lower the risk of some cancers.Adding fresh garlic to the dish or dishes you will not only add flavor, but also has health benefits. Ideally, eat fresh garlic without cooking or when cooked, not too hot.
Sabtu, 10 September 2011 | 0 komentar |
Who is not familiar with chocolate?

Because it tastes delicious almost all people of all ages, like to eat chocolate.

However, did you know that chocolate also has many benefits and benefits for your health?

Here are the 10 best chocolate for health benefits:

1. Chocolate has been proven beneficial to the cardiovascular system by lowering blood pressure in a study conducted by Professor Dr. David Katzdari from Yale University.

2. Besides proven to lower blood pressure, chocolate also been shown to increase blood flow.

Eating chocolate triggers the production of nitric oxide in the body, which can cause blood vessels to become wider and relax.

Eating chocolate also helps blood flow more smoothly by discouraging blood platelets from sticking to each other, as well as reducing the likelihood of blood clots and plaque formation in arteries.

3. Chocolate can trigger the brain release endorphins and serotonin, a hormone that makes the feeling so relaxed and comfortable.

 4. One of the surprising turns chocolate could help the process become more effective release of glucose.

5. According to research conducted by Mary Engler, PhD, RN, of the University of California, eating a small piece of healthy dark chocolate every day can lower blood pressure, preventing the buildup of LDL cholesterol, and protects the heart from free radical damage.

6. Pure cocoa is also rich in nutrients, like B vitamins, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, and selenium.

7. Like red wine, green tea, fruits, and vegetables, cocoa also contain flavonoids (polyphenols), naturally occurring compounds that act as powerful antioxidants.

These disease-fighting enzymes protect the body by trapping free radical molecules and get rid of them before there is damage to our bodies.

8. Not all chocolates are created with the content of the same benefits. Dark chocolate is a healthy type of chocolate because it contains phytochemicals and nutrients. But unhealthy processed chocolate.

Percentage of antioxidants found in chocolate varies depending on how much chocolate has been chemically treated.

Many brands of low-quality chocolate and milk chocolate products that really is not any good.

9. A study in Japan showed that cacao contains antibacterial agents that can prevent tooth decay. But you still have to brush your teeth after eating chocolate.

10. In addition, there are studies that say that eating chocolate does not cause acne.
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1.Teh have anti-cariogenic effect that can suppress the formation known as caries or tooth berlubang.Karies is a problem in dental health that is often encountered in masyarakat.Pembentukan caries can be influenced by many factors, such as oral hygiene, tooth itself , food intake and heredity (genetics). While the main factor that causes dental caries is Streptococcus mutans and bacterial streptoccus sobrinus.Kedua these bacteria to ferment sucrose to obtain energy for survival and form acids that can damage the enamel. 2. Based on existing research explained that tea, especially green tea and black tea contain various components such compound Catechins are the main active compound in protecting teeth from caries danger, inhibits growth and kills both bacteria on the teeth. 3. Tea contains high fluoride as a key component in the protection gigi.Flouride makes teeth more resistant to acid and activates demineralisasioleh remineralization at the tooth surface so it does not easily occur caries. 4. problem of bad breath can also be overcome with diligent teh.Hal drinking is due to better oral hygiene and inhibition of bacterial activity occurs. To gain the maximum benefit you should drink tea regularly every morning at breakfast and before sore.Pada when fasting, you can replace them after the meal and open puasa.Dan you also need to note that tea is best taken to prevent caries is tea without sugar because sugar is one of the originators of caries.
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Comprehension and understanding of the utilization of health food originally intended for the prevention of various degenerative diseases and increase endurance. But the trend lately is very important nutritional role in the healing process and recovery of disease, and is used as a complementary medical treatment appropriate professional standards.

Health food needed by those who are in healthy condition to maintain their health status, as well as people begin to feel him less fit to improve the condition of the body and helps the recovery process.

So what exactly is the difference between health food and medicine? What was the role of health food in the treatment of diseases when consumed with medications given by doctors?

Health Food:

     Complement of nutrients, boost the immune system, antioxidants and regenerate cells in healthy people. For patients with the disease play a role in supporting and assisting the drug to help the healing process.
     The reaction is relatively slow.
     Dose / dose can be increased according to body condition and without side effects. \
     Can be combined with other drugs, but the gift are spaced about 30 minutes.
     Does not contain addictive substances.
     The main ingredient comes from the natural nutrients or nongizi.

     While the drug:

1. Reserved for the sick for healing therapies tertentu.2 disease. Rapid reaction.
3. Certain dose with a limited period, if the excess can be toxic (poisoning).
4. It is advisable to be careful with a mixture of other drugs and can interact negatively.
5. Can be addictive (addicted) to certain drugs.
6. The main ingredients derived from synthetic chemicals.
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The orange one is a favorite food of rabbits. Perhaps, we should also make carrot as our favorite foods. Why? Because carrots offers many benefits to our health. Here are 10 health benefits that we can get from eating carrots:

Vision: Everyone knows that carrots are very good for eyesight. Carrots contain vitamin A and vitamin A for good eye health. People who are very difficult to see at night. The good, try to eat carrots. In addition, studies suggest carrot helps reduce the chances of cataracts.
Obesity / Excess Weight: Carrots may help in reducing weight. This is because carrots contain lots of fiber, which helps the intestines to work better and helps remove impurities through the body. Berata want to reduce weight? Decrease in eating, Diligent exercise, and eat carrots.
Lowering Cholesterol: Carrots also contain soluble fiber calcium pectate in large numbers. Bile acids help the body to pull cholesterol from the bloodstream. cholesterol is then excreted out of the body.
High Blood Pressure: Sodium can cause high blood pressure. Sodium in the body to retain fluid and ultimately increase blood pressure. Substances that are good for combat is Potassium Sodium. Potassium in carrots helps remove sodium from the body.
Dental Cleaning: Vegetables orange this one can help you to clean your teeth, and is the best way to keep your mouth clean after eating. The minerals contained in carrots helps to kill germs in the mouth, sehingg avoid tooth decay.
Anti-oxidants: Carrots contain beta-carotene functions as an antioxidant, which helps the body to fight the damaged cells.
Diarrhea: The fiber contained in carrots can help relieve digestive system problems, including stomach and intestine, and can help to slow or stop the growth of bad bacteria in the stomach. For people with diarrhea should be given carrot juice or carrot soup.
Cancer: Beta carotene found in carrots help reduce the likelihood of cancer, especially lung cancer.
Reduce Blood Sugar Levels: carotenoids found in carrots affect the level of insulin resistance in the body, so it naturally helps control blood sugar levels.
Headaches: If you suffer from headaches, there is a good idea to try carrot juice. Carrot juice helps the body to send blood to the brain, which will help to reduce the pain of headaches.
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