
Eating garlic may make you shunned people, this is because the sulfur compounds found in garlic may make your mouth smell, but the efficacy of garlic for health is enormous. The reason why garlic is the most popular spice in cooking is that garlic gives amazing flavor to foods.Fresh garlic is an excellent source of allicin, garlic compounds within this leading to the release of hydrogen sulfide. Chemical compound is also what makes the stench of rotten eggs at. Fortunately, Allicin is very good for blood vessels that carry blood to the heart. Allicin makes blood vessels more open so as to bring the amount of blood and more oxygen to the heart.In studies using mice proved that the hydrogen sulfide in garlic can reduce heart damage from lack of oxygen, it is similar to the incidence of heart attacks. Relaxing effect of garlic on blood vessels also help lower blood pressure.Compounds found in garlic also helps reduce clotting of platelets, platelet clumping when continued operation may cause a heart attack or stroke. Garlic acts as a natural blood thinners. This is why compounds of garlic should be used with caution in people taking prescription blood thinners or aspirin.Recent studies have shown that garlic is not effective for lowering cholesterol levels. How much garlic do you need to get health benefits on the heart? Not much, just two cloves of garlic every day. It's important to buy fresh garlic rather than garlic powder since processed. If possible, eat raw garlic in a state or fresh, because if it is cooked to destroy some of the benefits of garlic.The function of garlic, namely, as an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and is also a source of vitamin B6 and vitamin C is good. Several observational studies show that eating garlic can lower the risk of some cancers.Adding fresh garlic to the dish or dishes you will not only add flavor, but also has health benefits. Ideally, eat fresh garlic without cooking or when cooked, not too hot.
Sabtu, 10 September 2011 | 0 komentar |

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