1.Teh have anti-cariogenic effect that can suppress the formation known as caries or tooth berlubang.Karies is a problem in dental health that is often encountered in masyarakat.Pembentukan caries can be influenced by many factors, such as oral hygiene, tooth itself , food intake and heredity (genetics). While the main factor that causes dental caries is Streptococcus mutans and bacterial streptoccus sobrinus.Kedua these bacteria to ferment sucrose to obtain energy for survival and form acids that can damage the enamel. 2. Based on existing research explained that tea, especially green tea and black tea contain various components such compound Catechins are the main active compound in protecting teeth from caries danger, inhibits growth and kills both bacteria on the teeth. 3. Tea contains high fluoride as a key component in the protection gigi.Flouride makes teeth more resistant to acid and activates demineralisasioleh remineralization at the tooth surface so it does not easily occur caries. 4. problem of bad breath can also be overcome with diligent teh.Hal drinking is due to better oral hygiene and inhibition of bacterial activity occurs. To gain the maximum benefit you should drink tea regularly every morning at breakfast and before sore.Pada when fasting, you can replace them after the meal and open puasa.Dan you also need to note that tea is best taken to prevent caries is tea without sugar because sugar is one of the originators of caries.
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